Mahatma Gandhi NREGA

*Under MGNREGA 3.9 Crore Households have been provided employment . These include 30.51 crore beneficiaries from Scheduled castes and 23.36 crore from Scheduled tribes. Share of women beneficiaries has gone up to 51% with over 69.14 crore beneficiaries. Out of the total of 55.27 lakh works taken up , 2.68 lakh works have been completed while 63.59 lakh works are in progress.

*In order to ensure effective monitoring Of MGNREGA a Professional Institutional Network (PIN) has been constituted, including IITs, IIMs, Agriculture universities and other professional institutions . The will conduct impact assessment, concurrent monitoring and appraisal, research, capacity building to identify both good practices factors that have or will limit the optimal performance of the Scheme.

More IncI*Administrative expenditure limit under MGNREGA has been enhanced from 4% to 6% with the focus on deployment of dedicated staff for MGNREGA.

Strengthe*Social Audit has been given prominence. The management and administrative support structures for social audit, grievance redressal and ICT infrastructure has been strengthened. Also, Report on the progress of MGNREGA has been made available online at for review.

An **Ombudsman for effective grievance redressal is being set up in each district. Ombudsman will be an agency independent of the centre or state .

• *States have been advised to set up Helplines for receipt of complaints. The toll free National Helpline 1800110707 is being ICT enabled and linked with the State and District Level Helplines to create a National Network of NREGA Helpline. Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Orissa, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Goa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands have set up state level Helplines.

*Thirty seven National level Monitor were deputed to 37 districts in 15 states for special monitoring of the social audit campaign.

• *Guidelines for convergence of MGNREGA have been developed with different Schemes and specific programs. 150 pilot districts in 23 states have been identified by the Ministry Of Environment and Forsts, ministry Of Water Resources and ICAR. For monitoring of the convergence pilots in these districts professional institutions have been being enlisted.

*Gram Panchayats while approving work plans, as per the list of permissible works under the Act, have been mandated as per the rules to ensure that works on lands of SC / ST and BPL receive first priority.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)

*The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) aims to connect by all weather roads all the habitations of population of 1000 or more in the plain areas and of 500 or more in hilly or tribal areas in a time bound manner by 2012.

*The upgradation of the existing rural road networks is also an integral part of the rural road component of the Bharat Nirman. Based on ground verification by States, 54,648 habitations were targeted to be connected under Bharat Nirman with a length of 1,46,185 km. It is also targeted to upgrade/renew 1,94,130 km roads in the rural areas.

*The New Initiatives taken under the Programme include setting up of Standards & Specifications set for Rural Roads with the help of IRC; Preparation of Manual on use of Steel Structures for PMGSY Rural Road in bridges and culverts and e-procurement under PMGSY.

*The e-procurement has already been implemented independently in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Grujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh. While Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Manipur, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal have implemented e-procurement with (NIC Support).

*Till 2009-10 a total of 60117.01 km road length was completed with an expenditure of nearly Rs. 18833 crores. Of the new Connectivity Target of 54648 Habitations during the 2005-12 period, the target during 2009-10 was 13000 Habitations of which road connectivity was provided to 4188 Habitations.

*During the Current financial Year till October 2010 out of the 3000 targeted habitations 1727 have been covered. So far 37839 habitations have been provided connectivity which is nearly 69% achievement. In the area of Road length in km. the total targeted length is 146185.34 km of which 112624.23 km road length has been constructed till October 2010 which is 77% achievement.

*During the current financial year of the targeted 14320 km of road length a total of 6467.08km road length has been constructed till October 2010.

*Under the Upgradation (Renewal ) component, of the targeted 194130.69 km road length a total of 214397.65 km has been upgraded in the 2005-12 period making it 110% achievement. In 2010-11 so far upto October 2010 the target and achievements are 12500 km and 16941.20 km respectively.

Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY)

*Indira Awaas Yojana is being implemented across the country (except Delhi and Chandigarh) under which financial assistance is provided as Grant-in-Aid to the rural BPL households for construction of a dwelling unit.

*The ceiling on construction assistance under the Scheme has been enhanced to Rs.45, 000/- per unit in the plain areas and Rs.48,500/- in hilly/difficult areas w.e.f. 1.4.2010. For upgradation of kutcha house, the financial assistance is Rs.15,000/- per unit. In addition, IAY houses have been included under the Different Rate of Interest (DRI) scheme for lending upto Rs.20,000 per unit at an interest rate of 4%.

*35 Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts have been made eligible for a higher rate of unit assistance of Rs.48,500/- from 01/04/2010 onwards.

*Instructions have been issued to DRDAs regarding Convergence of various Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) with IAY. IAY beneficiaries need to get benefits available under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), Janshree and Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana and Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme etc. Moreover, a Vision Plan has been drawn up for the Rural Housing Sector.

*Under the first phase of Bharat Nirman program period, i.e. from 2005-06 to 2008-09, 60 lakh houses were envisaged to be constructed. As against this target, 71.76 lakh houses were constructed thereby exceeding the target of Bharat Nirman.

*It is now proposed to double the target of Phase I Bharat Nirman and to construct 120 lakh houses during the next five years period of Phase II Bharat Nirman starting from the current year 2009-10.

*During 2010-11 out of a Central Allocation of Rs. 10053.70 crore , Rs. 4070.98 crore has been utilised and of the targeted 29.09 lakh houses 9.04 lakh houses have been constructed till September 2010 (i.e. 2nd Quarter).

Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

SGSY is being re-christened as National Rural Livelihood Mission (NLRM). Under it the scheme will be made universal, more focussed and time bound for poverty alleviation by 2014.Accordingly, a target has been fixed to enrol 50% cent of rural women in self-help groups over the next five years.

*Universal social mobilisation through formation of SHGs under NRLM: During two remaining years of 11th Plan it is proposed to form about 10 lakh new SHGs. All existing SHGs will be strengthened. Universal financial inclusion will be addressed by enabling SHGs to be linked to banks and to access credit from them.

*During 2010-11 it is proposed to provide basic orientation training to all the swarozgaris. Skill training will be provided to the swarozgaris who are entering micro enterprise level.

*The Ministry will provide one time grant for construction of Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) @ Rs 1.0 crore per RSETI while the land would be provided by the State Governments.

*In order to meet the requirement of consumption and income generation activities, it is proposed to raise the amount of revolving fund to Rs 15000 per SHG.

*It is proposed to provide subsidy of Rs 15,000 to individual Swarozgaries of general category and Rs 20,000 to SC/ST and people with disabilities. For SHGs, subsidy will be Rs. 20,000 per capita subject to a maximum of Rs 2.50 lakh, whichever is less. Under NRLM it is proposed to provide upto Rs. 7500 per beneficiary for capacity building & training.

*Under NRLM, interest subsidy will be provided to SHGs for prompt repayment of loans to banks. The difference between 7% and Prime Lending Rates (PLR), will be provided to the poor households for every loan accessed from the banks, up to a limit of Rs 1 lakh per household. It is proposed to provide professional support at all levels – National level, State level, district level to Sub district level in different specializations.

*For skill upgradation and placement, at present there is a provision of 15% of the SGSY allocation for special projects. It is now proposed to make these special projects as a subset of NRLM and earmarking 20% of allocation for special projects. Out of this 15% will be for placement linked skill development projects and 5% for innovative projects.

*NRLM will put in place a (i) a comprehensive MIS encompassing database of SHG profiles, federations, training institutions and activities, placements of trained beneficiaries, marketing of products etc., (ii), concurrent and mid-term evaluations, (iii) social accountability practices like social audits etc. to facilitate monitoring & bring in transparency in program implementation.

*During 2009-10 a total of 2085177 Swarozgaries were assisted as against the target of 1822482. *Out of the total allocation of Rs.. 2051.54 crore, the total Credit distributed during this period was Rs. 4447. 02 crore.

National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP

*Under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) An amount of Rs. 515549.72 lakh have been released in 200-10 of which Rs. 456376.6 lakh have been utilized benefitting 18462000 persons.

National Rural Drinking Water Supply Program (NRDWP)

*The program is aimed at providing safe drinking water to all households in rural areas, while ensuring convergence with related programs and involvement of the Panchayati Raj Institutions. In order to achieve drinking water security at village/habitation level, conjunctive use of water i.e. judicious use of rainwater, surface water and ground water is promoted.

*Based on the feedback received from States, 2.49 lakh wells have been drilled in 6 states and achieved more than 90% of success rate, on average. Similarly, 12,528 recharge structures have been planned of which, 9,057 nos. have been constructed which have significantly improved the sustainability of drinking water sources

*Under the NRDWP 17200 habitations have been covered so far.

*20 institutions/ organizations having domain knowledge and expertise in the drinking water sector have been identified as National Key Resource Centres (KRCs). The national KRCs will be responsible for training, orientation and capacity development at all levels.

*IEC guidelines have been formulated and sent to States to help them to take up IEC activities with stakeholders.

*In order to promote research and development in the area of rural drinking water supply and sanitation, the Department has tied up with premier research institutes, universities, colleges and NGOs.

* Ground Water Prospect (HGM) maps are being developed to arrive at-Prospective ground water zones, Prioritization of areas of planning recharge structures; Tentative sites for taking up recharge structures to improve the sustainability of drinking water sources in the problematic habitations and Creation of a digital database.

*During 2010-11 the Allocation for the program was Rs. 8460 crore out of which Rs. 1207.55 crore have been utilised so far. .

*Under the Jalmani Program there were 493760 Rural Schools in the country of which 493760 Rural schools need Stand Alone System. All of them have been covered till August 2010 this year.

Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)

*Under the Total Sanitation Campaign , cash incentive of Rs. 1500/- is given for construction of Individual household latrines: (Rs. 2000/- in case of hilly and difficult areas) . For BPL Households Rs. 700/- for each toilet is given by Central and State Government respectively after they construct and use toilets. APL households are motivated to construct toilets with their own funds or by taking loans from SHGs, banks, cooperative institutions etc.

*Assistance is also provided for the provision of Toilets in Schools and Anganwadis with the cost sharing by Central and State Government in the ratio of 70:30.

*The financial assistance for School Toilet block has been increased from Rs. 20000/to Rs.35000/-(`Rs.38500/-for Hilly and Difficult Areas); while the funding for Anganwadi Toilet has been increased from Rs. 5000/- to Rs. Rs.8000/-(10000/-) for Hilly and Difficult Areas).

*During 2010-11 upto July 2010 a Total of 2934672 Individual Household Latrines were constructed including 1546271 BPL category. 25232 School Toilets; 872 Sanitary Complexes and 10701 Aanganwadi toilets.

*The Central Release during 2010-11 stood at Rs. 66205.27lakh while the total release (including state release) was Rs. 76468.07lakh. The Total Expenditure was Rs. 36997.20 lakh .

Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP)

*The M/o Rural Development has constituted Steering Committies at National Level under the Chairmanship of of Secretary (LR) with members from Planning Commission, NRAA/ related Ministries/ Departments/ organizations including NGOs to administer the IWMP while at State, District and Block Level there are Nodal Agencies to cater the Watershed Projects in the areas of Soil & moisture conservation measures.

*For 2010-11, an amount of Rs.2458 crores has been allocated by the Planning Commission for implementation of IWMP projects and meeting the liabilities of ongoing projects of DPAP, DDP & IWDP. 5250 ongoing projects of DPAP, DDP & IWDP covering an area of 3.75 m.ha. are likely to be completed.

*During 2010-11 (as on 09.8.2010) 249 projects covering an area of 14.13 lakh ha. have been sanctioned by SLNAs and central funds of Rs. 206.15 crores have been released. In addition, an amount of Rs.686.65 crores have been released to IWMP projects sanctioned during 2009-10.

Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA)

The initiative taken by the Ministry of Rural Development to kick start the Public-Private Partnership in rural infrastructure development under the Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) scheme received enthusiastic response from the leading houses in the Corporate Sector. The scheme envisages twinning of rural infrastructure development and management with economic re-generation activities. It is the first attempt at delivering a basket of infrastructure and amenities through PPP in the rural areas. It is expected that a scheme like e shall maximize socio-economic impact and minimum development obligations by the private developer will enable improved quality of service delivery in the Panchayat area.

The New initiatives under the different programs of the Ministry Of Rural Development are directed at reaching out to the last mile , meeting the local demands of the rural people and pave the way for an inclusive growth in the countryside.

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