A day long seminar on 'Leveraging NREGA for Sustainable Development through Inter-sectoral Convergence' was held on May 6th, 2009 at Hall No.5, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
The following sessions were conducted:
Session I
- NREGS and Sustainable Agriculture: Andhra Pradesh (K. Raju)
- NREGA-Water Resource Department Convergence Initiatives in Madhya Pradesh
- NREGS and Forestry: The Kerala Experience (V.N. Jithendran)
- Special plantation drive in Bundelkhand (Anurag)
- PRADAN's Experience in NREGA
- Presentation on NREGS Convergence: Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Session II
- NREGA and Agroforestry to address Climate Change ( V. P. Singh)
Session III
- NREGA Act (Rita Sharma)
- Agricultural Development through convergence with NREGA – The A.P. Case (Hemnath Rao)
- Convergence Possibilities Unlimited (Shikhar)
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